LAW 5683 SEC 1 - Disability Rights

This is an introductory course of disability rights law, with an emphasis on federal and state statutes and case law. Areas of concentration include employment, government services, public accommodations, education, housing, mental health treatment and involuntary commitment, and the criminal legal system. We will review such statutes as the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Rehabilitation Act (Sec. 504), Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), and the Fair Housing Act Amendments. The course examines disability and disability law from civil rights, racial justice, and disability justice perspectives.
  • Recording Policy: Class recordings will be posted on Canvas.

Term: Fall 2021
Course Code: 84513
Units: 2.00
[Grade Only]
Max Capacity: 25
Course Type: Seminar
Time and Location: W 1:45PM-3:45PM in LAW 3750
Final Exam: Takehome

Course Books

Disability Rights Law, Cases and Materials
Author: Samuel R. Bagenstos
Publisher: West Academic | ISBN: 978-1684679300
Edition: 3rd | Year: 2021
Required: Yes
Will be available through the bookstore: Yes
Will be Course Reserves in the Law Library: Yes
Special Instructions: